3rd September, the opening ceremony for 2012-2013 school year was held in Auditorium of Qujiang Campus with participation of school administrators including Principal Wang, Vice Principal Liu Jun and Vice Principal Gao Xiaomei and all heads of each office. This ceremony was presided by Mr. Li Yang, Principal Assistant and school office director, and was broadcast alive on school TV watched by all faculty and students.
The ceremony began with Principal Wang’s passionate speech in which she delivered a school greeting to all faculty and students and extended a warm welcome to new students. Principal Wang briefly looked back on the achievements of last year and sent a wish for students to carry on their integrity and good learning habits and to be persistent, diligent, progressive, responsible, and knowledgeable and sound in body and soul.
Then afterwards, Mme. Gao xiaomei, Vice Principal, revealed honor list for excellent students and classes. Mr. Cao Yuan, Director of Academics shared learning methods with all students and called upon them to get more passionate involvements in the study of new school year.