Oct 26, 2011, a delegation from Westville Boys’ High School consisting of 3 teachers and 5 students visited our school.
WBHS is a renowned boys’ school in South Africa and well-known for its extraordinary education and academic performance. This is the first time for WBHS to visit HSXJTU, a delegation led by Deputy Principal Mr. Alan Garth Miller. Guests visited campus, sat in our classroom and enjoyed face-to-face communication with our faculty and students.
In the conversation between Mr. Miller and Vice Principal Liu Jun, Mr. Miller highly praised our education and learning atmosphere. Mme. Liu Jun also expressed her appreciation for the fine quality and gentlemanship of coming students
The most fruitful point of WBHS visit is that since now our two schools shall begin our partnership. From 2012, yearly exchange visits will be conducted between our two schools.