See you next Year! Simon Fraser

DateApril 5, 2012    Author:        Click Rate:

On the morning of March 30, a farewell party was held in the training office with Mme. Wang, Vice Principal Liu Jun, faculty representatives and student volunteers who had been involved in Simon Fraser Practicum.

Mme. Wang presented certificates of honor to the six student teachers. Vice Principal Liu Jun thought highly of them in her speech, commenting on their hard work, enthusiasm and meticulousness. Mme. Liu also thanked the student teachers for what they had done to HSXJTU education. Simon Fraser students shared their feeling on campus with their mentors and also dedicated bouquets of flowers to their mentors for appreciation.

This is the second year for HSXJTU to be Simon Fraser’s Practicum Base. Each term lasts for four weeks. The six students arrived at HSXJTU on March 5th 2012. The past one month means a lot to HSXJTU teachers and students because they would have one precious month spending with foreign teachers and feel different teaching method.

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