May 19, a ceremony was held at HSXJTU on which CHEER(China-Europe Education and Research Foundation) awarded a SDP Plaque to our school appreciating the successful running of SDP course at HSXJTU for one year. This also marked a new step forward for international courses at HSXJTU.
SDP, short for Skills Development Program, is a short-term skill-intensified course co-designed by CIE and CHEER and orientated towards social skills, presentation, innovation and etc. which Chinese students may be inadequately prepared. This course is also trying to conduct a sophisticated study and research on China’s high school curriculum and teaching goals by combining the basic requirements for higher education home and abroad.
In the morning, May 19, Miss Janet Terink, CHEER Internal Chief Moderator, and Miss Ge Hengping, Marketing director of CHEER Foundation, arrived on campus for this event. Vice Principal Liu Jun, on behalf of all HSXJTU faculty and students extended a warm welcome to the coming guests by a welcome speech following which Principal Wang received the SDP Plaque and had photos taken with Miss Janet Terink.
Soon after the ceremony, Miss Janet Terink offered a seminar for all English teachers on SDP teaching.